Dismantling Doubt and Nurturing Conviction
The inaugural subject of this class explores the dynamics of doubt in the American Muslim community from select verses of the Quran. This course approaches the Quran in general and how to understand it (aka to prevent doubt). How can we keep our theology strong when faced with certain verses from the Holy Quran? Often there are intellectual doubts that invade our minds, but sometimes those doubts manifest from our hearts. These Yaqeen instructors break down several aspects of how we can begin to appreciate and understand the Quran from multiple viewpoints.
Dr. Tahir Wyatt

Tahir Wyatt is a published academic, experienced interpreter, and instructor of Islamic studies and comparative religion. During his twenty-one years of studying and teaching in Saudi Arabia, he procured several degrees, including a doctorate in theology. He was also the only American ever to be appointed to teach in the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, the second holiest site in the Muslim world. Dr. Wyatt currently lectures both nationally and internationally at mosques, universities, and other institutions of learning. He serves as the Executive Director of the United Muslim Masjid in Philadelphia and is the President of the Quran, Arabic, and Reflection Institute (QARI), an institute dedicated to structured, curriculum-based instruction of the Quran and Arabic Language.