The Beginning of Guidance: External Purity
Bidayat al-Hidaya is a highly motivational manual written by the great legend, Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, detailing the fundamentals of acquiring guidance through God-consciousness (taqwa). Imam Ghazali argues that just as there is an end to this noble objective there is also a beginning to it, which must be made firm for one to achieve success. While being concise and to-the-point the manual is laid out in the form of a detailed daily timetable, providing the reader strong inspiration and much heart-rending counsel.
Ustadh Ubaydullah Evans

Ustadh Ubaydullah Evans is ALIM’s first Scholar-in-Residence.  He converted to Islam while in high school. Upon conversion, Ustadh Ubaydullah began studying some of the foundational books of Islam under the private tutelage of local scholars while simultaneously pursuing a degree in journalism from Columbia.

Since then he has studied at Chicagoland’s Institute of Islamic Education (IIE), in Tarim, Yemen, and Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, where he is the first African-American to graduate from its Shari’a program.

Ustadh Ubaydullah also instructs with the Ta’leef Collective and the Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) at times.